Home from Hospital Support

Services Details

The Home from Hospital service from Advance Together is designed to offer you the necessary support for a smooth recovery, maintaining a lower level of care compared to a hospital setting.

Returning home after a hospital stay due to surgery, illness, or injury can be a challenging experience. Home support can play a crucial role in aiding your recovery and facilitating a seamless transition back to independence.

Staged Recovery Approach

We advocate for a staged recovery process that prioritises our client’s overall well-being and health. Opting for home support upon returning from the hospital allows them to regain independence, rebuild confidence, and receive assistance during the recovery process.

Familiar Surroundings

Choosing home assistance enables clients to stay in familiar surroundings surrounded by loved ones, friends, pets, and cherished memories. This familiarity can provide motivation and determination, fostering a more positive recovery experience compared to being alone in a hospital or rehabilitation centre.

Dedicated and Knowledgeable Staff

Our dedicated staff consists of upbeat and compassionate professionals who champion the clients recovery journey. Highly trained and well-versed in all aspects of care and support, our team is committed to keeping clients as independent as possible. We emphasise collaboration, aiming to do tasks “with” rather than “for” the client.

Adaptable Support

Recognising the evolving nature of recovery, our support adjusts as the clients’ recovery progresses. We conduct regular reviews, updating the clients’ personalised care plan to align with changing needs.

Our Assistance Includes:

Personal care such as washing, dressing, toileting, and managing commodes.

Maintaining a clean and tidy living environment.

Feeding and walking pets.

Assisting with daily exercises.

Whole Life Person-Centred Approach:

Our care staff are trained in all aspect’s food hygiene and nutrition. This ensures they can prepare and cook nutritious meals until our client is ready to resume these tasks independently.

To learn more about the Advance Together supportive services, please feel free to contact us for a conversation or to arrange your home care assessment at Tel 020 8330 0070 or email info@advancetogether.co.uk

Warmth and compassionate care brought right to your doorstep